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Honeycomb Cake

honeycomb cake
Honeycomb Cake


Sugar – 260

Water – 300

Butter - 100

Egg – 7 pcs

Sweet Milk (Condensed milk) – ½ can (about 200 grams)

Plain Flour – 225 grams (sifted)

Baking Soda – 2 ½   teaspoons (bicarbonate of soda) 


1. Put sugar in a saucepan or aluminum cooking pot over a low fire, the sugar will turn brown color. Stir with a wooden spoon (wooden ladle).

2. Pour water into the caramel. CAUTION: Water may splash when you pour water  into the hot caramel. Stir until the caramel is dissolved.

3. Remove from fire and add in the butter. Leave to cool.

4. In a separate bowl, mix the condensed milk and eggs

5. Add in the sifted flour and baking soda.

6. Pour the caramel into the batter and mix well with a hand whisk

7. Pour the batter into a greased 10-inch cake pan. Stand for 5 minutes for the bubbles to develop.

8. Heat up the oven to 160* C or 325*F

9. Bake the cake for 75 minutes. Test it with a skewer and insert into the center of the cake. If it comes out clean, the cake is cooked. (Use a thick cloth or hand gloves to take out the cake from the oven. Turn out the cake onto a wire rack to cool.

10. When the cake is cool, slice it and serve.

Useful Tips: -

Brush a baking tin with shortening or margarine. Sift flour lightly onto it. Turn the baking tin over and knock to remove excess flour. This will leave a light and thin coating of the flour in the baking tin. You can use a 9 inch or 10-inch square or round baking tin about 2 inch height. Baking time varies depending on type of oven used and the size of the baking tin. Be careful when you pour water into the hot caramel as water may splash and burn your hand. You can use a ladle.

When the cake is baked, you will notice that the cake has a dome shape. That’s the center is higher than the side. This is normal. The reason is that when you put the cake to bake, the side of the cake tin is hotter than the center, so the cake keep on rising in the centre

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